
Introduction of Another World (February)

The vision presented here, probably appeared in some people’s subconscious a long time ago. These people did express opinions or made unusual observations without knowing how much important they were or could be.
For instance, Yvan the Terrific when talking about his large country said:
« … Russia is like an amputated body … ».
Napoleon to add, later : « ... The politics of a State lies in its geography ...».
Many others expressed thoughts like these, Baudelaire within « Spleen and Ideal », Jules Verne in his extraordinary novel « Voyage to the center of the Earth », Jules Michelet, the Historian, when saying :
« … France is a person … », etc.
But the vision takes also care of other observations such as countries, islands or cities nouns like « Senegal » in western Africa or « the three kings islands » in Oceania or "Salta" in Argentina, as well as it takes care of the shape of each country and continent as if the drawing of each country, each continent was carrier of ten thousand meanings each separately, potentially more all together. Not only the shape is important, but the direction it seems to take, its size relatively to foreign countries or continents, its position on the map or in a specific time zone.
Further more, it can show some strange coincidences between the concentration of a particular type of industries in some specific regions of a country and the name given to the said region like for instance « the Cosmetic Valley » in the River Loire Valley, or “the city of lights” for Paris, etc., and additionally reveal some relations between the given name and ‘anatomy’.
In fact, many famous persons, many tribes, many ancient nations have personified their environment as well as many myths have found birth in the environment or more generally in Geography in such a way that it did influence the life and the behaviour of further generations.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Very interresting view on the world; Waiting to see views closer to me : France & Europe.